Wellness acupuncture
Acupuncture addresses issues at all levels of the human experience—body, mind, emotion, and spirit. Often a condition that is manifesting on a physical level has origins on the level of the emotions and acupuncture seeks to address the root cause.
Our bodies are complex systems, and we are constantly exposed to physical and emotional stresses that can have an impact on our wellbeing. Many people are stuck in fight or flight mode without even realising, and since everything is interlinked, it can be easy to get into a circle of decline. Stress leads to poor sleep which in turn leads to more stress, lower energy, unbalanced hormones, poor food choices, mental health problems and weight gain. Reliance on caffeine, sugar and alcohol for energy also serve to further exasperate the problem after delivering a short lived high.
Wellness acupuncture—how it helps
Acupuncture can help overall wellbeing by regulating the stress response, improving the quality and quantity of sleep, reducing pain, balancing the gastro-intestinal tract, and regulating hormones and neurotransmitters. Studies have shown acupuncture has an impact on the nervous system, the HPA axis (which controls the stress response and release of hormones such as cortisol), and increases the release of endorphins, the body’s ‘feel-good’ chemicals.
Wellness acupuncture—what to expect
The initial consultation involves a detailed case history looking at all elements of your physical and emotional health. Treatment will also include diet and lifestyle advice to help you make manageable changes to further enhance your wellbeing.
Acupuncture treatment is holistic and will look to benefit you as a whole person. Many people report ‘feeling better in themselves’, have more energy, sleep more soundly, and feel less stressed.
If you would like to book an appointment or a free 15 minute consultation, get in touch here.